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Monday, January 17, 2005

Inauguration pt. II

Topic: American Politics/News

Wow, it seems all I have to do get comments is display support for the current administration. Contraversy begs to be commented on. Well, in response to some of the comments on my last post... yes, I am excited to be attending the Presidential Inauguration, the largest and most important public ceremony our nation has. This is a historic opportunity regardless of who is being inaugurated. I probably won't be living here in four years, so can I be blamed for wanting to participate in the greatest celebration of our country's democracy? You can criticize all you like, it won't detract from my enjoyment of this ceremony.

A few thoughts about the money being spent: yes, it is a lot of money and I do think it would be noble to scale back celebrations in light of the state of the world right now... but on the flip side of that, doesn't the current situation in Afghanistan, Iraq, Palestine, etc. make our celebration of democracy that much more significant? This is the single most important public ceremony we as a nation have. The money being spent is mostly private, and it's not going into some politicians pocket, this money is being spent in the District of Columbia for services rendered. It could actually be argued that spending this private funding here will help out the local economy a bit. Sure there is also the added expenses of the phenomonal security measures in place, but I for one have no problem with that. Especially since I will be attending. I would like to be able to count on being safe at an event that represents the things that terrorists hate most.

On that note, if you're in the area this Thursday there are a couple of counter-protests going on I encourage you to attend.

Hail to the Chief - Protest Warrior
DC Chapter of Free Republic

Of course, if you are of the liberal persuasion I have no problem with you exercising your rights to freedom of speech on January 20th. What I do have a problem with is the lack of respect and plain cruelty many protesters display. By all means, voice your opinions, but have a little respect please.


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